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Music: Music E-Journals

This guide provides a starting point for researching topics related to music.

Links to Music E-Journals

Music ejournals by Subject                            

Music Education

*      American Music Teacher

*      Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education

*      Contributions to Music Education

*      General Music Today

*      Jazzed

*      Journal of Historical Research in Music Education

*      Journal of Research in Music Education - 

*      Kodály Envoy

*      Music Education Research – Full Text 18 month delay

*      Music Educator’s Journal

*      Philosophy of Music Education Review

*      Research and Issues in Music Education 

*      Teaching Music

*      Update (Applications of Research in Music Education) - Full Text 4 year delay

Music Technology / Applications

*      Computer Music Journal

*      Electronic Musician

*      Film Score Monthly - Full Text 2 year delay

*      Journal of Music Therapy – Full Text 1 year delay

*      Leonardo Music Journal: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, & Technology - Full Text 1 year delay

*      Music & the Moving Image – Full Text 1 year delay

*      Music, Sound, & the Moving Image 

*      Music Therapy Perspectives – Full Text 1 year delay

*      Notes (MLA - Music Library Association)

*      The Soundtrack

*      Studies in Musical Theatre

Music Theory

*      Journal of Music Theory - Full Text 6 year delay

*      Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy - Open Access

*      Journal of Schenkerian Studies - Open Access

*      Music Theory Online

*      Music Theory Spectrum – Full Text 4 year delay

*      Tempo: A Review of Modern Music - Full Text 6 year delay

*      Theoria: Historical Aspects of Music Theory – Archive Full Text 1 year delay                            

Music Research / Musicology

*      ACTA Musicologica – Full Text 4 year delay

*      AMS Newsletter

*      Black Music Research Journal - Archive

*      Contemporary Music Review - Full Text 18 month delay

*      Current Musicology

*      Early Music – Full Text 1 year delay

*      Early Music History - Full Text 6 year delay

*      Early Music performer : a quarterly newsletter dedicated to questions of early music performance, then and now

*      Ethnomusicology Forum – Full Text 18 month delay

*      The Etude Magazine 1883-1957 – thru Gardner-Webb University (An Index of Music Published in The Etude Magazine is available on the Music Library reference shelves, 016.780263 B6398, and the BJU Music Library provides eBooks with An Index to Articles Published in The Etude Magazine are available online in Part 1 and Part 2.

*      Folk Music Journal

*      International Journal of Musicology – Full Text 4 year delay

*      Journal of Musicological Research – Full Text 18 month delay

*      Journal of Musicology – Full Text 4 year delay

*      Journal of New Music Research

*      Journal of the American Musicological Society

*      Music Analysis – Full Text 1 year delay

*      Music Week

*      Popular Music & Society – Full Text 18 month delay

*      Rolling Stone

*      Women & Music: A Journal of Gender & Culture

Choral / Keyboard / Instrumental

*      American Harp Journal

*      American String Teacher

*      Choral Director

*      Choral Journal

*      Classical Singer - (access expired)

*      Clavier Companion - title update, see Piano Magazine: Clavier Companion

*      The Flutist Quarterly: The Official Magazine of the National Flute Association

*      Guitar Player

*      The Horn Call: Journal of the International Horn Society

*      ITA – International Trombone Association

*      Journal of Singing

*      Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society – Full Text 2008-2014

*      Keyboard - Full Text 2002-2017

*      The Opera Journal

*      Opera News - Full Text 3 year delay

*      The Opera Quarterly - Full Text 12 month delay

*      Oral Tradition – Choral & Vocal Music

*      Piano Magazine: Clavier Companion

*      SBO – School Band & Orchestra

*      Sing Out! - Full Text 2006-2014

*      The Stanza – Newsletter of The Hymn Society

*      The Strad

New Music Books