The Mack and Music Libraries welcome various groups to tour our facilities and can provide instruction in bibliographic research. Groups may include:
- Undergraduate and Graduate Level Classes
- High School Students
- Junior High Students
- Elementary Students
- Home School Students
- Church Groups
- Check out M&G
A minimum of one week is necessary for arrangements. Call 864-370-1800, ext. 6025 to contact an instructional services librarian or email A reply concerning the status of your request will be made within two business days.
We can tailor a tour or instructional service according to your specifications or provide one of the following options.
Tours Available:
- Mack or Music Library Facilities
- Archives Memorabilia Room of BJU Heritage
- Jerusalem Chamber and Rare Bible Collection
- Special Collection Room of Rare Books and the American Hymnody Collection
Instructional Services Available:
- Appropriate instructional handouts and/or library resource listings to support instruction provided or topic to be researched.
- Instruction adapted to class assignments.
- Instruction in the major resources available in a subject area or project
- Internet and database instruction on a subject area or project—search engines, directories, metaengines
- Database and periodical article indexing and overview of the periodical room
- Specific database instruction
- Set up and instruction of LibGuides
- Library Overview and Care of Books (elementary level)—How to look up a book on the catalog, find that book in the stacks, and take care of it.
- Research Basics (upper elementary level)—General overview of library resources and the research process including the catalog, reference sources, periodical room, and databases.
- Research Process (high school level)—Focus on finding research materials through catalog keyword searching, reference source selection, searching our online databases, and valid internet resources.