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The ebooks available in Ebsco eBook Collection may be browsed on the left of window by clicking on eBooks in the blue toolbar at the top of the window.
150,721 eBooks. Search and view the full text of ebooks. Most of the books in the collection are unlimited user access, but if you get a message—Sorry, this eBook is in use—it means another person has the book open and using it. Try again later. The books that have a download symbol, can be borrowed for 14 days on your device. The Bluefire App is the one used for Apple and Android devices. The desktop computer needs Digital Editions. For Kindle: PDFs can be created in the eBook Full Text view and transferred using Send To Kindle.
"Featured Collections offer titles covering a range of different topic areas from within a particular subject. EBSCO's Collection Development librarians hand-select titles to ensure that these collections contain quality content, and include frontlist titles whenever possible. Titles are owned in perpetuity." Website.
"calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books." About Page Be sure to watch the video that shows all the "bells and whistles."