Be sure to use the main library search button (INDY) to find periodicals that may be full text in a database in our collection. INDY will also indicate the print subscription in our library, if we have it.
When the record states that an embargo is in place for a certain length of time, the publisher has refused to allow the digitization of the articles for the current months, year or years.
If we have the print subscription, then you may photocopy or scan articles to PDF and send to your email.
If we don't have the print, then you may request articles via InterLibrary Loan from another school library by filling out the ILL form on our home page or choose the ILL tab in this LibGuide for easy access.
EBSCO partners with American Antiquarian Society (AAS), the premier library documenting the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction, to provide digital access to the most comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912.
Available in five comprehensive series:
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 1 (1684-1820)
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 2 (1821-1837)
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 3 (1838-1852)
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 4 (1853-1865)
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 5 (1866-1912)
“ACLS Humanities E-Book HEB is an online, fully searchable collection of 5,150 books of high quality in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. These titles are recommended by scholars and constituent learned societies of the American Council of Learned Societies. Users may also access online book reviews from the major journals.”
ATLA Religion Database® (ATLA RDB®) with ATLASerials PLUS™ (ATLAS PLUS™) combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with ATLA's largest online collection of major religion and theology journals.
At ProQuest, we believe that knowledge and trusted information can help guide progress and change – and as an EdTech provider, we have a unique responsibility to take action.
That’s why we developed this website focused on Black Freedom, featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. Our intention is to support a wide range of students (see examples for using in teaching and learning), as well independent researchers and anyone interested in learning more about the foundation of ongoing racial injustice in the U.S. – and the fights against it.
By centering on the experiences and perspectives of African Americans, we hope this collection imbues the study of Black history with a deeper understanding of the humanity of people who have pursued the quest for freedom, and the significance of movements like Black Lives Matter.
Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most significant American women of the twentieth century, and remains one of the most admired. As First Lady, journalist, activist, diplomat, Democratic Party leader, and public speaker, ER helped shape not only the United States but also the United Nations and the path we still follow toward the greater protection of human rights.
Humanities International Complete provides full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world. Produced by Whitston Publishing (an imprint of EBSCO Publishing), this database includes all data from Humanities International Index (more than 2,300 journals and more than 2.9 million records) plus unique full text content, much of which is not found in other databases. The database includes full text for more than 1,200 journals.
The ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database (PQDT) is recognized worldwide because of its comprehensive coverage, high-quality information, and rigorous editorial control. The database is the definitive guide to more than 2 million doctoral dissertations and master's theses.
Offering a unique, interdisciplinary approach to U.S. History and Culture, Sharpe Online Reference (SOLR) explores the broad range of events, people, movements, and political, social, economic, and cultural issues that have shaped the nation from colonial times to the present day. This collection of links provides direct access to nearly 650 carefully selected and vetted Web sites.
Search the Social Security Death Index by entering one or more fields in the form and clicking on the "submit" button. Keep in mind that the more fields you fill in the more restricted your results will be (and you may even eliminate the record you are seeking).
U.S. History in Context delivers comprehensive, contextual, media-rich search results from the most extensive online collection of historical information available today.
Providing a complete overview of U.S. history that covers the most-studied events, issues and current information, it combines documents from Primary Source Microfilm’s™ digital archives; articles from classic Macmillan Reference USA™ and Charles Scribner’s Sons® references; as well as other Gale proprietary content such as country and era overview information, and full-text periodicals and journals.
Unlike other sources that only offer periodical or bibliographic information, this broad collection of full-text periodicals, reference works, primary documents and scholarly analysis includes:
•More than 185,000 reference articles, including the best titles from Macmillan Reference USA™, Charles Scribner’s Sons® and other top publishers
•Select articles from more than 95 new Gale reference titles not previously available
•613,000+ periodical articles from respected publications like Newsweek, American Heritage and The Historian
•Easy to search galleries containing more than 73,000 images and 1,500+ seals, maps and flags
•More than 9,100 viewpoint essays
•Nearly 5,000 primary documents
•Video and audio from NBC, NPR and other reliable sources
•The ability to cross-search World History in Context with a subscription to both products
Heritage Collections is part of the University of Exeter Library with responsibility for Special Collections and the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum.
The Special Collections and Bill Douglas Cinema Museum teams manage the University's unique and distinct collections of archives, rare books, film memorabilia and objects which can be accessed via our reading room, housed in the Research Commons, Old Library.
The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Our mission is to fight poverty with passion and professionalism for lasting results and to help people help themselves and their environment by providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity and forging partnerships in the public and private sectors.
World History in Context moves chronologically over 5,000 years from antiquity to the present and geographically around the globe, to ensure that the events, movements and individuals that defined, informed and shaped world history are covered with a sense of balance. For example:
•European history recounts the events that shaped the continent and defined international relations and global history — including two world wars, the Cold War, genocide and the rise and fall of Communism
•Asian history recounts the events from Bronze Age China to modern India, including the events of the 20th century that revolved around Communism in China and revolution in South East Asia
•African, Indian and Latin American history coverage includes the end of colonization in Africa and India, as well as the political and social movements in Latin America
Other large digital collections that also contain South Carolina primary resources include:
Library of Congress’ Chronicling America, Historic American Newspapers, learn more about this project here.
South Carolina Department of Archives and History Digital Collections
"Cambridge Core is a brand new platform for Cambridge University Press's academic content. Our book and journal content has been brought together for the first time on Cambridge Core: a sophisticated, high-performance replacement for Cambridge Journals Online and Cambridge Books Online." About page
Gale E-Books is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7. Portions of the books and articles can be downloaded to your reader as a PDF. Follow instructions in the Help Guide tab on the home page.
8 concurrent users are allowed on this database. From the search box, researchers will access integrated data from the full texts of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2e, The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz 2e, The Grove Dictionary of American Music 2e, and The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments 2e, as well as numerous subsequent updates and emendations. Grove Music Online also includes access to The Oxford Companion to Music (2011), The Oxford Dictionary of Music 2e (revised 2006), and the Encyclopedia of Popular Music 4e. Grove Music Online includes more than 50,000 signed articles and 30,000 biographies contributed by over 6,000 scholars from around the world with sophisticated search and browse capabilities, and audio musical examples.
Salem History is the online version of print reference works in history. The titles include Milestone Documents, The Decades Series, Great Lives From History, Great Events From History . The set Milestone Documents includes full-text primary source documents with expert analysis and commentary.