The purpose of this guide is to help you be successful in your political science research. Locating and using credible, academic source materials are important strategies used in every academic discipline. The library should be your first-stop when it comes to working on research-intensive assignments. These links will help you get set up for navigating the library. Start with the video on the right to give you a basic understanding of some simple search strategies, then read through the database links to see which one will best meet the needs of your project.
This guide provides sources for finding information about countries-their geography, politics, economy, demographics, religions, educational systems, and the like. In general only the most up-to-date sources are included, but some older sources that provide historical background are also included.
Besides the reference works which provide authoritative information, the websites listed may provide more recent information or more in-depth information.
To find a list of all of our databases click the A-Z Database list. Below is a list of databases that we've highlighted for you because they should be very helpful starting points for your SSP 250 Research Projects.
Watch this short video see how you can save lots of time as you begin to search the databases.