Writer's Book of Checklists by Scott EdelsteinCall Number: 808.02 Ed27w
ISBN: 0898794544
Publication Date: 1991-05-15
Easy-to-use checklists provide guidance and vital information on writing and publishing. If a writer needs to know it, use it, act on it, it's here -- in an easy-to-search, fast-reference form. Checklists detail everything from how to name characters and overcome writer's block, to what business contacts can do for writers. -- getting and keeping a great attitude that pays -- building and honing writing as a life-long craft -- proven principles on writing successful fiction, and nonfiction -- information resources and writer's groups -- the ins and outs of publishing and self-publishing, and dealing with editors and agents -- keeping track of business and legal matters A writing guide, a business advisor, an all-purpose writing reference.