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Patristics is the study of the church fathers, the earliest Christian writers from the contemporaries of the apostles to the seventh or eighth century.

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Patristics is the study of the church fathers, the earliest Christian writers from the contemporaries of the apostles to the seventh or eighth century. Patristics is both a historical study of what the fathers did and a theological study of what they thought and believed.

The following lists of sources includes general reference works as well as general histories of the patristic era. This pathfinder includes only works in English, though most works on patristics have been written in other languages.

Retrieving Sources

To find works by or about individual church fathers, first search in the general reference sources. They will give you an overview and provide you with a bibliography of other sources. You can then use the library catalog to find those other sources, or to use the church father’s name in a keyword search.

Primary Sources

The sources below are the collected editions of the church fathers available in the Mack Library. (Other editions of specific works are also available.) The first four are print collection of the fathers in English. 

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This Patristics LibGuide by Duncan Johnson and Lincoln Mullen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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