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World History: Home - Introduction

Concentrates on historical resources in the areas of global studies and general world history.

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Subject Headings

Below are listed general Subject Headings to search by: 

History Ancient

History Modern

History Military Europe

Classical Geography Maps

History Theology 

Medieval Period


Search under the specific Name of a Country.




The subject of History is a portal through which the reader becomes engaged in other times, places and cultures.  The reader becomes an eyewitness to the way civilizations have developed and many times contributed to life as we know it today.  The scope of this guide is to provide resources with a focus on WORLD HISTORY.  






Dewey Decimal Numbers

To view this list of classification numbers in the library catalog click on Dewey Decimal Guide 


900 History and Geography

910 Travel & Geography

920 Genealogy & Geography

930 Ancient History

940 European History

950 Asian History

960 African History

970 North American History

980 South American History

990 History of Other Areas